Prepping for Black Friday Success
It’s that time of year again, when the IT staff at eCommerce companies is staring down a looming deadline – get the infrastructure ready for the Black Friday surge in the next few months or risk the lost revenue and bad headlines that follow a meltdown.
Here at ScaleArc, lots of our customers are in the throes of these Black Friday preparations. They’re working on projects like scaling the database, enabling active/active operations, optimizing application code, and increasing website performance.
To share more information on the steps you can take to prep for Black Friday, we’re hosting a virtual meet up in a couple weeks. Leading the discussion is Craig Thayer, CTO for Sazze, which is the parent company to a range of eCommerce sites. One of the properties, BlackFridayFM, goes from nearly zero traffic to being one of the world’s most popular iPhone apps on Black Friday. So he has the fun task of prepping for a nearly infinite increase in traffic.
Craig will be sharing his timeline for Black Friday prep – what he does at which points of the year – and the combination of technology and process he uses to deliver Black Friday success, year after year. You can check out some of the company’s Black Friday metrics in this guest blog from Craig. And tune in to our virtual meet up on April 26 to get more details.
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